Define seismograph and richter scale
A seismograph is the gadget that researchers use to quantify tremors.
The objective of a seismograph is to precisely record the movement of the ground amid a tremor.
In the event that you live in a city, you may have seen that structures once in a while shake when a major truck or a tram train moves by.
Great seismographs are thusly separated and associated with bedrock to keep this kind of "information pollution.
"The Richter scale is a standard scale used to look at quakes. It is a logarithmic scale, implying that the numbers on the scale measure elements of 10.
In this way, for instance, a seismic tremor that estimates 4.0 on the Richter scale is multiple times bigger than one that estimates 3.0.
On the Richter scale, anything underneath 2.0 is imperceptible to a typical individual and is known as a microquake.
Microquakes happen always. Moderate seismic tremors measure under 6.0 or so on the Richter scale.
Quakes estimating beyond what 6.0 can cause noteworthy harm.
The greatest shudder on the planet since 1900 scored a 9.5 on the Richter scale.
It shook Chile on May 22, 1960