define sigma....
and its uses ...
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Step-by-step explanation:
the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet ( Σ, σ ), transliterated as ‘s’.
use of sigma
International African Alphabet Edit
The uppercase form of sigma was re-borrowed into the Latin alphabet – more precisely, the International African Alphabet – to serve as the uppercase of modern esh (lowercase: ʃ).
Science and mathematics Edit
Uppercase Edit
Uppercase Σ is used as a symbol for:
the summation operator
e.g.: {\displaystyle \sum _{k=0}^{5}k=0+1+2+3+4+5=15}{\displaystyle \sum _{k=0}^{5}k=0+1+2+3+4+5=15}
a class of baryons in particle physics
macroscopic cross sections in nuclear and particle physics
self-energy in condensed matter physics
the balance of the invoice classes and the overall amount of the debts and demands in economics
the set of symbols that form an alphabet in linguistics and computer science
the covariance matrix of a set of random variables in probability theory and statistics, sometimes in the form {\displaystyle \;|\!\!\!\Sigma }{\displaystyle \;|\!\!\!\Sigma } to distinguish it from the summation operator.
The busy beaver function
Lowercase Edit
Lowercase σ is used for:
Biology and medicine Edit
the sigma receptor in biology
the sigma factor of RNA polymerase
the life span of a basic multicellular unit (BMU) in bone remodeling
a millisecond in early 20th-century physiology literature[6]
Business, finance, and economics Edit
volatility of a stock generally needed for options pricing
the elasticity of substitution between two inputs in macroeconomics
a quality model, Six Sigma (6σ), based on the standard deviation
Chemistry Edit
sigma bonds
sigma constant in organic chemistry
Engineering and computer science Edit
the unary operation of selection on a database relation in relational algebra
the Sigmoid/Logistic function in machine learning
a target's radar cross-section (RCS) in radar jamming or electronic warfare
the damping parameter in signal processing
Linguistics Edit
a syllable in phonology
Mathematics and statistics Edit
sigma-algebras, sigma-fields, and sigma-finiteness in measure theory; in general terms, the symbol σ serves as a shorthand for "countably", e.g. a σ-compact topological space is one that can be written as a countable union of compact subsets.
the generated sigma-algebra of a set A is denoted σ(A)
the sum-of-divisors function in number theory
the spectrum of a linear map T, denoted as σ(T), in applied mathematics
the Weierstrass sigma-function
the standard deviation of a population or probability distribution in statistics (See Business for Six Sigma)
an unknown angle
Physics Edit
cross section (physics)
the Stefan–Boltzmann constant
a measure of electrical conductivity
the surface charge density in electrostatics
normal stress in continuum mechanics
surface tension
the Pauli matrices in quantum mechanics
velocity dispersion in astronomy
Organizations Edit
During the 1930s, an uppercase Σ was in use as the symbol of the Ação Integralista Brasileira, a fascist political party in Brazil.
Sigma Corporation uses the name of the letter but not the letter itself, but in many Internet forums, photographers refer to the company or its lenses using the letter. Sigma Aldrich incorporate both the name and the character in their logo.