define soil and croups
Soil is formed as a result of the weathering process. Soil is a mixture of humus and rock particles. It is one of the natural resources and provides plants all its nutrients required during photosynthesis. It is the natural habitat of many living organisms and is essential in agriculture.
Soil is formed as a result of the weathering process. Soil is a mixture of humus and rock particles. It is one of the natural resources and provides plants all its nutrients required during photosynthesis. It is the natural habitat of many living organisms and is essential in agriculture. Soil consists of different layers such as:
Crops are plants grown by the farmers. Agriculture plays a very important role in the Indian economy. It is the backbone of our country. 70% of the Indian population depends on agriculture for food and money. It is the major occupation in the rural areas. The cultivation of crops depends primarily on the weather and soil conditions.
Kharif Crops
The crops which are grown in the monsoon season are known as Kharif crops. For eg., maize, millet, and cotton.
The seeds are sown at the beginning of monsoon season and harvested at the end of the monsoon season.
Such crops require a lot of water and hot weather for proper growth.
Rabi Crops
The name “Rabi” means “spring” – a word derived from Arabic.
The crops that are grown in the winter season and harvested in the spring are called Rabi crops.
Wheat, gram, and mustard are some of the Rabi crops.
Various agricultural practices are carried out to produce new crop varieties.
Such crops require a warm climate for the germination and maturation of seeds. They, however, require a cold climate for their growth.
Zaid Crops
Such crops are grown between the Kharif and Rabi seasons, i.e., between March and June.
These crops mature early.
Cucumber, pumpkin, bitter gourd, and watermelon are zaid crops.