define super saiyan ?
A Super [Saiyan] is a Saiyan that has gone beyond their limits through training.
A Super Saiyan is a transformation done by a Saiyan when he gets angry.Its is achieved by Goku,Vegeta,Gohan,Goten,Trunks,Future Trunks,Pan,Shallot,Caulifia,Kale,Cabba,etc.
It Japanese it was said as"Supa-Saiyajin"
The Super Saiyan form first premiered in April 1991, within chapter 317 of the Dragon Ball manga, entitled "Life or Death". It also made its anime debut in 1991, first appearing in Dragon Ball Z episode 95, "Transformed at Last". Within Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, three further powered up transformations: the second and third forms succeed Super Saiyan, while the premier form also has two additional graded states that focus on power, and also the final form which is superior to the graded forms. The original Super Saiyan form can also be mastered to improve some of its traits and remove some flaws.At the end many of Saiyans were able to achieve SSJ2 but the SSJ3 was only achieved by Goku and Gotenks.