Physics, asked by Aaaaafddfg, 11 months ago

Define term resistivity and state it's si unit. Draw a graph showing variation of resistivity with charge in temperature for a typical semiconductor.


Answered by NitinPetash

Resistivity. When length and cross of the conductor is unity then the resistivity is equal to the resistance of the conductor.

R = pl/A. =>. p = RA/l

S.I. unit = ohm.metre

plz mark it as brainliest




Answered by satyanarayanojha216

The resistivity of the material is the ratio of the product of the resistance and area to the length of the conductor. the resistivity is represented by the symbol ρ


Resistivity is a measure of the resistance of a given size of a specific material to electrical conduction. Materials that conduct electrical current easily are called conductors and have a low resistivity.

resistivity can be expressed using the SI unit " ohm metre (Ωm)-i.e ohms divided by metres and then multiplied by square metres.

As the temperature of the semi conductor is increased, the electrons in the valence band gain sufficient energy to escape from of their atoms. as a result, in higher temperatures, a semi conductor's valence electrons are free= conduction result , resistivity decreases.

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