define the distribution of iron and steel industry in the world
The growth and development of iron and steel industry is a reflection of global economy. The iron and steel industry depicts a changing nature in its growth and production pattern. In the mid-1970s, the relatively developed countries of North.
America, Western Europe and Japan accounted for nearly two-third of the world’s steel production. But gradually the spatial pattern has changed and attention has now shifted to the developing regions.
Towards the end of the last century, the growth of steel production in countries like China, South Korea, Brazil and India has changed the entire pattern of steel production in the world.
Now main producers of iron and steel in the world are China, Japan, USA, Russia, Germany, South Korea, Brazil, Ukraine, India, France, Italy and Great Britain. The other steel-producing countries are South Africa, Australia, Austria, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Romania, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, etc. Table 10.1 indicates the production of iron and steel in major countries of the world.
Production of iron and steel in major countries of the world:
Countries Production (in crore tons)
Pig iron Crude steel
China 131.23 128.5
Japan 80.5 105.4
USA 47.9 102.0
Russia 43.3 55.5
Germany 27.3 41.7
South Korea 24.8 43.4
Brazil 27.7 27.8
Ukraine 25.7 31.7
India 21.3 26.9
France 13.6 20.0
Italy 10.9 26.6
Great Britain 10.9 16.1
Iron and steel industry is widely distributed in the world. United States, countries of western Europe, Russia, Ukrain, China and India are the main producers of iron and steel in theworld. ... Russia: Urals, Kuzbas and Moscow-Tulla areas. Ukraine: The main centres are found in Dnipropetrovsk.