define the following
1) breathing
2) cellular respiration
Breathing or external respiration: This is the process of taking in oxygen-rich air and giving out carbon dioxide-rich air. Cellular respiration or internal respiration: This is the process of breakdown of food in the presence of oxygen into carbon dioxide and water to release energy.
Breathing and cellular respiration are defining characteristics of living organisms. However, these terms are not synonymous and there are significant differences between the two. Also, please note that cellular respiration and physiologic respiration are two separate processes. We shall be discussing the difference between cellular respiration and breathing in this article.
Cellular Respiration is the biochemical process of releasing energy, which can be utilized by our body cells to perform various daily activities like walking, sitting, running and many other life processes. Moreover, cellular respiration is an essential and vital process for maintaining the proper functioning of the organ system. Breathing is the biological process by which the oxygen gas is inhaled in, and carbon dioxide s is exhaled out from the lungs to improve gaseous exchange within the living cells, tissues and other organs of the human body.