Geography, asked by 9348074692, 8 months ago

Define the following:
1) Environment-
2) Biotic-
3) Abiotic-
4) Natural Environment-
5) lithosphere-
6) Hydrosphere-
7) Atmosphere-
8) Biosphere
9) Ecosystem-
10) Human-made environment-​


Answered by abhishek029


environment-the natural world, for example the land, air and water, in which people, animals and plants live

biotic-relating to or resulting from living organisms

abiotic-physical rather than biological; not derived from living organisms.

natural environment-Natural environment means all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning not because of humans.

lithosphere-the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.

hydrosphere-A hydrosphere is the total amount of water on a planet. The hydrosphere includes water that is on the surface of the planet, underground, and in the air.

atmosphere-An atmosphere is a layer or a set of layers of gases surrounding a planet or other material body, that is held in place by the gravity of that body. An atmosphere is more likely to be retained if the gravity it is subject to is high and the temperature of the atmosphere is low.

biosphere-the part of the earth’s surface and atmosphere in which plants and animals can live

ecosystem-all the plants and animals in a particular area considered together with their surroundings

human made environment-The term Human-Made Environment refers to the human-made surroundings that provide facilities for human needs. This human-made environment gives place for the people to live, work, educate and recreate their needs for their day to day needs.

Answered by zumba12

1) Environment:

  • The natural surroundings or natural international encompasses all living and non-living things happening naturally, which means in this situation now no longer artificial.

2) Biotic:

  • Biotic describes a residing thing of surroundings; for an example organisms, together with flowers and animals. Examples are water, light, wind, soil, humidity, minerals, and gases.

3) Abiotic:

  • An abiotic is a non-living part of a surrounding that shapes its surroundings. In terrestrial surroundings, examples may encompass temperature, light, and water. In marine surroundings, abiotic elements might encompass salinity and ocean currents.

4) Natural Environment:

  • The natural surroundings entail all residing and non-living matters happening naturally. EXAMPLES: These encompass all vegetation, microorganisms, climate, air, water, soil, rocks, surroundings, etc.

5) lithosphere:

  • The lithosphere is the solid, outer part of the Earth, consisting of the brittle top part of the mantle and the crust.

6) Hydrosphere:

  • The realm of water on Earth is known as Hydrosphere. It consists of all of the water this is on the earth withinside the shape of ice, vapor, and liquid. On the surface, it exists in liquid shape in oceans, rivers, and lakes.

7) Atmosphere:

  • An surroundings are the layers of gases surrounding a planet or different celestial bodies. Earth's surroundings consist of approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and one percentage of different gases.

8) Biosphere:

  • The general residing organisms on this earth from the microorganisms to the most important creatures are known as the biosphere.

9) Ecosystem:

  • An surrounding is a herbal unit that includes all flowers, animals, and microorganisms (biotic elements) in a place functioning collectively with all the physical (biotic) elements of the surroundings.

10) Human-made surroundings:

  • The human-made surroundings are described as surroundings this is made by human beings to satisfy their needs. Roads, buildings, and bridges are human-made environments.


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