Define the following:
Hermaphrodites are those which is having both male and female sex characteristics or both sex organs
gene is a segment of DNA responsible for certain production of protein which is in turn responsible for certain traits or characteristics.
placenta is a temporary organ in your body. It begins growing in your uterus as soon as your baby implants in the uterine wall. The placenta connects to baby through the umbilical cord and baby’s lifeline, It transfers nutrients, oxygen.
Bracts are modified leaves which may present at the base of pedicel of flower. Bracts are often different from foliage leaves. The state of having bracts is referred to as bracteate or bracteolate, and conversely the state of lacking them is referred to as ebracteate and ebracteolate, without bracts.
Eukaryotic is an organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA in the form of chromosomes contained within a distinct nucleus.