Biology, asked by attitudewali28, 11 months ago

Define the following terms ::::
30. Euryhaline

31. Stanohaline

32. Pedogenesis

33. Pedology

34. Eluviation

35. Irruviation​


Answered by itzcutiepie4


31. Euryhaline organisms are able to adapt to a wide range of salinities. An example of a euryhaline fish is the molly which can live in fresh water, brackish water, or salt water. The green crab is an example of a euryhaline invertebrate that can live in salt and brackish water. ....

32. Pedogenesis is the process of soil formation as regulated by the effects of place, environment, and history. Biogeochemical processes act to both create and destroy order within soils....

33. Pedology is the study of soils in their natural environment. It is one of two main branches of soil science, the other being edaphology. Pedology deals with pedogenesis, soil morphology, and soil classification, while edaphology studies the way soils influence plants, fungi, and other living things.....

34. In geology, the eluvium or eluvial deposits are those geological deposits and soils that are derived by in situ weathering or weathering plus gravitational movement or accumulation. The process of removal of materials from geological or soil horizons is called eluviation or leaching.........

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