Biology, asked by Kavya123sz, 9 months ago

Define the following terms: i. Species #ii. Genus #iii. Family #iv. Order v. Sub-class #vi. Class #vii. Division / Phylum viii. Sub kingdom ix. Kingdom


Answered by Brainlyheros


It is the basic unit in the system of classification. Members of a species show all the similar characters and are able to breed among themselves.

For example, all the plants of potato (Solanum tuberosum) are grouped under the species tuberosum.


ii. Genus:

It is a group of closely related species, which resemble one another in certain characters. For e.g. rosa sinensis, esculentus, etc. are different species under the genus Hibiscus.

A genus may be either monotypic (having single species) or polytypic (having many species).


iii. Family:

A family represents a group of closely related genera. The genera like Hibiscus, Malva, Sida, Gossypium, Abutilon, etc. belong to the family Malvaceae.


iv. Order:

It is a group of closely related families which resemble in major characters. For e.g. Families Malvaceae, Tiliaceae, Sterculiaceae, etc. belong to the order Malvales. They show axile placentation in ovary.


v. Sub-class:

It is a group of closely related orders having certain similarities. For e.g. Order Malvales, Ranales, Parietales, etc. have free petals and hence grouped under the sub-class Polypetalae.


vi. Class:

It is a group of related sub-classes. For e.g. Class Dicotyledonae includes sub-classes as Polypetalae and Gamopetalae.


vii. Division/ Phylum: The division is a category composed of related classes. For e.g. Division Angiospermae includes two classes: Dicotyledonae and Monocotyledonae. In animal classification, instead of division, the category Phylum is used.


viii. Sub-kingdom: It is composed of different divisions having certain similarities. For e.g. The divisions Angiospermae and Gymnospermae forms the sub-kingdom Phanerogams or Spermatophyta (all seed producing plants).


ix. Kingdom: It is the highest taxonomic category composed of different sub kingdoms. For e.g. Sub-kingdom Phanerogams and Cryptogams, form the plant kingdom or Plantae which includes all the plants, while all animals are included in kingdom Animalia.


Answered by Anonymous


i) Phylum is a taxonomical hierarchy below Kingdom and above Class. It is a taxon with one or more classes organisms with similar characters.

ii) Class is a taxonomical hierarchy higher than Order and lower than Phylum. Class includes related to orders of the organisms. Example: Presence of notochord in mammals.

iii) Family has a group of related genera with still less number of similarities as compared to genus and species. Example: Fox and dog belongs to the same family. It is a group of entities below Order and above Genus.

iv) Order is a taxon below higher than Family and lower than class. Order being a higher category is the assemblage of families which exhibit a few similar characters.

v) Genus comprises a group of related species which has more characters in common in comparison to species of other genera. Ex:Lion, tiger and leopard are classified under genus Panthera. It is above species and below Family.

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