define the leucoplast
define the leucoplast
Leucoplast is a colorless plastid especially in the cytoplasm of interior plant tissues that is potentially capable of developing into a chloroplast.
Leucoplasts are a category of plastid and as such are organelles found in plant cells. They are non-pigmented, in contrast to other plastids such as the chloroplast. Lacking photosynthetic pigments, leucoplasts are not green and are located in non-photosynthetic tissues of plants, such as roots, bulbs and seeds.

(a) They are colourless.
(b) They are found in the nucleus of non
green cells.
© They are of different size, forms and
store different food materials.
(d) Grana arte absent in leucoplasts.
(e) The different types of Leucoplasts are-
(i) Amyloplasts- They store Starch. E.g.
Tuber of Potato.
(ii) Elaioplasts- They store Oils and Fats.
E.g. Castor.
(iii)Aleuroplasts- They store Proteins. E.g.
Aleurone cells of Maize.