define the parts of spherical mirror.
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1) Pole
2) Focus Point
3) Focal length
4) Centre of Curvature
5) Radius of Curvature
6) Principal Axis
7) Aperture
† Let's look at them one by one.
Pole of a mirror (P) → It is defined as the geometrical centre at the reflecting surface.
It is represented by the letter P.
Focus Point → The point at which all the ray of light converging / meet after the reflection is called a Focus Point.
It is represented by the letter F.
Focal length → It is defined as the distance between pole and focus point.
It is represented by the letter f.
Centre of Curvature → It is defined as the centre of the whole spherical reflecting surface.
It is represented by the letter C.
Radius of Curvature → It is defined as the distance between pole and centre of curvature.
It is represented by the letter R.
Principal Axis → It is defined as the line which passes through centre of curvature, focus point and meets at pole on the reflecting surface is called Principal Axis.
Aperture → It is defined as the width of reflecting surface / glass.