Define the phenomenon of sublimation *
sublimation is the process by which a solid state is directly
converted into gas without leaving any liquid state
Sublimation is another one of these phase transitions; except in this case, we have a solid turning directly into a gas. As a sublimating material changes from a solid to a gas, it never passes through the liquid state. This image shows water in its three forms: ice, water, and steam. Sublimation is just one of the ways water or another substance can change between its potential phases.
Substances such as water and carbon dioxide (CO2) can be charted on a pressure versus temperature plot to reveal their state of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) at a given temperature and pressure. At a typical atmospheric pressure, we know that water is a solid at temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius, a liquid from 0 to 100 degrees Celsius, and a gas at higher temperatures. Atmospheric pressure, however, can change, particularly with altitude. Higher altitudes yield lower atmospheric pressures.
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