Science, asked by rAman6257, 1 year ago

define the term and give one example of each.(i)Bilateral symmetry(ii)Coelom(iii)Triploblastic.


Answered by AnuragPatel
Bilateral symmetry is the symmetry in which an organism is exactly divided into

right and left halves by a single line of symmetry. e.g. Butterfly. The organisms

which exhibit this type of symmetry are called as bilaterally symmetrical


Coelom is the body cavity filled with fluid that runs the complete length of

vertebrates to divide the body of an organism into inner tube and outer

tube.Coelom at embryonic stage, divides the mesoderm into two layers

Coelom helps in absorption of shocks. Coelom also helps the organisms to grow

independently away from the body wall. Coelom in mammals is divided into

peritoneal, pleural and pericardial cavities.

Triploblastic organization is represented by embryos possessing three germinal

layers namely external ectoderm, middle mesoderm and inner endoderm. e.g.

Members of platyhelminthes representtriploblastic organization . Organs and

organ systems of the individuals are derived from these three germinal layers.

I hope it will help you

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Answered by Surnia

The definetion of the terms are as follows:


  • Bilateral symmetry can be defined as a condition in which the body of the organism can be split into two symmetrical halves. The example includes the earthworm.
  • A coelom is the hollow fluid filled cavity that provides a cushion like structure to the internal organs of the body. This allows the organs to move and grow independently. For example, molluscs.
  • The triploblastic is a condition in which the body can be divided by three embryonic layer. This is seen in multicellular animals. For example, jellyfish.

Learn more about bilateral symmetry:

What is bilateral symmetry:

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