Define the terms unilateral and bilateral elements with examples.
Unilateral Element : Conduction of current in one direction is termed as unilateral (example: Diode, Transistor) element.
Bilateral Element : Conduction of current in both directions in an element (example: Resistance; Inductance; Capacitance) with same magnitude is termed as bilateral element.
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Unilateral Element: A unilateral element (such as a diode or transistor) conducts current only in one direction.
Bilateral Element: An element that conducts current in both directions and has the same magnitude is referred to as a bilateral element. Examples of such elements are resistance, inductance, and capacitance.
In an electrical circuit, a unilateral element is one whose V-I properties change when the applied voltage's polarity is reversed. This effectively means that a change in the polarity of the applied voltage will have an impact on the amount of current that passes through this kind of element.
These components' impedance varies according on the current flow.
Bilateral elements are those through which the magnitude of the current is unaffected by the polarity of the supply voltage.
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