Physics, asked by Anonymous, 7 months ago

Define the Topic ,
Electric field intensity at a point on equatorial line of dipol..

Physics class 12

Bacche stay away ☹​


Answered by pratyushpandey3352


The equatorial plane is a plane consisting of points equidistant to both the charges. We also evaluated the electric field intensity in terms of the dipole moment of that dipole. The dipole moment of a dipole is the product of the magnitude of any of the charges and the distance between the charges.


hiiii mate,


hope this helps you..

please mark me as braienliest


Answered by Anonymous

Answer :D

Derive an expression for intensity of electric field at a point broadside position or an equatorial line of an electric dipole. The direction of electric field E is 'antiparallel' to the dipole axis. If r is very large compared to 2l (r>>2l), then l2 may be neglectedin comparison to r2.

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