Social Sciences, asked by SamiyaKK, 9 months ago

Define the word- Fallow.


Answered by rakzhana01


A field lies fallow. Licensed from iStockPhoto. adjective. The definition of fallow is inactive. A piece of land that is normally used for farming but that is left with no crops on it for a season in order to let it recover its fertility is an example of land that would be described as fallow.

Answered by anishkabalyan29


In English

(used about land) not used for growing plants, especially so that the quality of the land will improve

in Hindi

(भूमि) जिस पर खेती इसलिए नहीं की जाती कि उसकी उत्‍पादन क्षमता में वृद्धि हो; परती (भूमि); उर्वरता बढ़ाने के उद्देश्‍य से ख़ाली छोड़ दी गई (धरती); अजोत भूमि


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