define Treason
explain in 40 words
Treason is a rare, but very serious crime. Learn what it's about and understand terms like "levying war" and "adhering to the enemy."
What is Treason?
Treason is defined as intentionally betraying one’s allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies. It’s the most serious offense one can commit against the government and is punishable by imprisonment and death. Treason prosecutions are rare; there have been fewer than 40 federal prosecutions in U.S. history.
Treason is when a person acts against his/ her country. For example, somebody might help another country fight a war against or loot his country by keeping secrets or failing to protect his country. In history, treason has often included the assassination of leaders. Treason against the king was called high treason and treason against a lesser role was called petty treason. A treasonous person is called a traitor.