Science, asked by kate7771, 1 year ago

Define vacuum and vacuum efficiency of a condenser


Answered by yasaswani1

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  (văk′yo͞om, -yəm, -yo͞o-əm)

n. pl. vac·uums or vac·u·a (-yo͞o-ə)


a. Absence of matter.

b. A space empty of matter.

c. A space relatively empty of matter.

d. A space in which the pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure.

2. A state of emptiness; a void.

3. A state of being sealed off from external or environmental influences; isolation.

4. pl. vac·uums A vacuum cleaner.


1. Of, relating to, or used to create a vacuum.

2. Containing air or other gas at a reduced pressure.

3. Operating by means of suction or by maintaining a partial vacuum.

tr. & intr.v. vac·uumed, vac·uum·ing, vac·uums

To clean with or use a vacuum cleaner.
Function  To reduce the turbine exhaust pressure so as to increase the specific output and hence increase the plant efficiency and decrease the specific steam consumption.  To condense the exhaust steam from the turbine and reuse it as pure feed water in the boiler.
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