Define vacuum and vacuum efficiency of a condenser
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(văk′yo͞om, -yəm, -yo͞o-əm)
n. pl. vac·uums or vac·u·a (-yo͞o-ə)
a. Absence of matter.
b. A space empty of matter.
c. A space relatively empty of matter.
d. A space in which the pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure.
2. A state of emptiness; a void.
3. A state of being sealed off from external or environmental influences; isolation.
4. pl. vac·uums A vacuum cleaner.
1. Of, relating to, or used to create a vacuum.
2. Containing air or other gas at a reduced pressure.
3. Operating by means of suction or by maintaining a partial vacuum.
tr. & intr.v. vac·uumed, vac·uum·ing, vac·uums
To clean with or use a vacuum cleaner.
Function To reduce the turbine exhaust pressure so as to increase the specific output and hence increase the plant efficiency and decrease the specific steam consumption. To condense the exhaust steam from the turbine and reuse it as pure feed water in the boiler.
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(văk′yo͞om, -yəm, -yo͞o-əm)
n. pl. vac·uums or vac·u·a (-yo͞o-ə)
a. Absence of matter.
b. A space empty of matter.
c. A space relatively empty of matter.
d. A space in which the pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure.
2. A state of emptiness; a void.
3. A state of being sealed off from external or environmental influences; isolation.
4. pl. vac·uums A vacuum cleaner.
1. Of, relating to, or used to create a vacuum.
2. Containing air or other gas at a reduced pressure.
3. Operating by means of suction or by maintaining a partial vacuum.
tr. & intr.v. vac·uumed, vac·uum·ing, vac·uums
To clean with or use a vacuum cleaner.
Function To reduce the turbine exhaust pressure so as to increase the specific output and hence increase the plant efficiency and decrease the specific steam consumption. To condense the exhaust steam from the turbine and reuse it as pure feed water in the boiler.
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