define volt meter, ammeter.
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Volt Meter
A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring the electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit.
An ammeter is a measuring instrument used to measure the current in a circuit. Electric currents are measured in Amperes, hence the name. The ammeter is usually connected in series with the circuit in which the current is to be measured.
Answer:i dont know is it volt, meter or volt meter. so i defined both
volt = volt is defined as the electric potential between two points of a conducting wire when an electric current of one ampere dissipates one watt of power between those points
meter =
A meter is a standard metric unit equal to about 3 feet 3 inches. This means that a meter is part of the metric system of measurement. Guitars, baseball bats, and yard sticks are examples of objects that are about one meter long. Meters are also used to measure distances in races, such as running and swimming.
volt meter = A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit.
ammeter = mmeter, instrument for measuring either direct or alternating electric current, in amperes. An ammeter can measure a wide range of current values because at high values only a small portion of the current is directed through the meter mechanism; a shunt in parallel with the meter carries the major portion.