Define winnowing.............
Winnowing: Winnowing is a farming method developed by ancient people for separating grain from chaff.In its simplest form it involves throwing the mixture into the air so that the wind blows away the lighter chaff. The heavier grains fall back down for recovery.
☆ Winnowing ☆
By threshing, we obtained the Grain separated from stalks. But these grains have husk or chaff with them. We also need to separate this chaff from the grains. This chaff is lighter in weight and the grains are heavier. So, husk is made to blow away with the help of wind to get it separated from grains.
Thus, when is the method of separating the lighter components of a mixture from the heavier one with the help of blowing air.
Procedure :-
The mixture is made to fall from a height. Husk particles beings light in weight are blown away by the wind and make a heap at some distance whereas grains being heavier fall vertically down just near the winnower. We get to separate heaps, one of husk and the other of grains. Husk used as a fodder for animals.