Definition of angle with example white what are type of angle based on angle based on sides
Answer:Definition of angle with example white what are type of angle based on angle based on sides.
Vertex The vertex is the common point at which the two lines or rays are joined. Point B is the figure above is the vertex of the angle ∠ABC.
Legs The legs (sides) of an angle are the two lines that make it up. In the figure above, the line segments AB and BC are the legs of the angle ∠ABC.
Interior The interior of an angle is the space in the 'jaws' of the angle extending out to infinity. See Interior of an Angle
Exterior All the space on the plane that is not the interior. See Interior of an Angle
Step-by-step explanation:
Definition: A shape, formed by two lines or rays diverging from a common point (the vertex).
Step-by-step explanation:
Altogether, there are six types of angle as listed below.
1.Acute angle
Less than 90°
2.Right angle
Exactly 90°
3.Obtuse angle
Between 90° and 180°
4.Straight angle
Exactly 180°
5.Reflex angle
Between 180° and 360°
6.Full angle
Exactly 360