English, asked by Mighty876, 3 months ago

definition of democracy.... ​


Answered by Anonymous


∂ємσcrαcy is α ƒσrм σƒ gσvєrทмєทτ iท ωнicн τнє ρєσρℓє нαvє τнє αυτнσriτy τσ cнσσsє τнєir gσvєrทiทg ℓєgisℓατiσท. ωнσ ρєσρℓє αrє αท∂ нσω αυτнσriτy is sнαrє∂ αмσทg τнєм αrє cσrє issυєs ƒσr ∂ємσcrατic τнєσry, ∂єvєℓσρмєทτ αท∂ cσทsτiτυτiσท.

Answered by surya5299

ɴsʀ :-

Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their governing legislation. Who people are and how authority is shared among them are core issues for democratic theory, development and constitution.

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