Social Sciences, asked by ItzNiladoll, 7 months ago

Definition of Nutrition​


Answered by praseethanerthethil


Nutrition is how food affects the health of the body. .Food is comprised of macronutrients including protein, carbohydrate and fat that not only offer calories to fuel the body and give it energy but play specific roles in maintaining health.

Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. Food and drink provide the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. Understanding these nutrition terms may make it easier for you to make better food choices.


Answered by aarti225566


  • Need for nutrition
  • Definition

The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

Supplies Energy :

  • ➤Carbohydrates
  • ➤Fats
  • ➤Vitamins

Needed for making body parts like blood, skin, bones.

  • ➤Proteins
  • ➤Minerals


Modes of Nutrition

  • ➤Auotrophic Mode
  • ➤Heterotrophic Mode

1. Autotrophic Nutrition :

  • If an organism can nourish itself by making its own food using sunlight or chemical such mode of nutrition is called as autotrophic nutrition.

  • Plants photosynthesis (use lighy enegy) are called photoautrophs.

2. Heterotrophic Nutrition :

  • Hetrotrophic nutrition is a type of in which organism depend upon other for food to survice.

Types of Heterotrophs

  1. ➤Carnivores
  2. ➤Herbivores
  3. ➤Omnivores

  1. Carnivores : This types of animals are eat only meat.
  2. Herbivore : These are eat grass.
  3. Omnivores : These are eat Both.

✧Venus fly - trap (Hetrotroph plant)

Pitcher plant (Hetrotroph plant)


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