Definition of unemployment in meghalaya
12.0. Labour being a primary factor of producti on, the size of the labour force is of great
importance in determining the level of economic acti vity in any country. The level of employment,
its compositi on and the growth in employment opportuniti es is a criti cal indicator of the process
of development in any economy. It is also an indicator that, in most cases, directly captures
the economic att ainments and hence the level of well being of individuals (Nati onal Human
Development Report, 2001).
Economic backwardness is the leading problem of the state as majority of the populati on
is below the poverty line. Although the state is rich in mineral resources, the industrial linkages
are virtually absent and government is the major source of employment in the organized sector.
Acti viti es like animal husbandry, fi shery, poultry and horti culture have not been targeted as a major
source of employment. Therefore, agriculture forms the only opti on for the people to seek gainful
employment. This too is infl uenced by impediments such as shift ing agriculture, poor producti vity,
land tenure system and traditi onal methods of culti vati on. All these factors have resulted in poor
land and labour producti vity.
As unemployment and poverty are correlated, it becomes necessary to understand the
occupati onal patt ern of labour force and status of employment to analyse the development in the
state. The data pertaining to social, economic, demographic, and labour force conditi ons helps in
understanding the demand and supply of labour in the market.
12.1 Work Force parti cipati on Rate
The 1981 census defi ned worker as a person whose main acti vity is parti cipati on in any economically
producti ve work by his physical or mental acti vity. Work involves not only actual work but also
eff ecti ve supervision and directi on of work. The census classifi es workers into main and marginal
workers. Main workers are those who work for major part of the year, i.e. 6 months or more, while
marginal workers are as those who do not work for major part of the year i.e. they work for less
than 6 months. Here we have considered the total workers including main and marginal workers.
The term labour force or ‘economically acti ve’ populati on refers to the populati on,
which supplies or seeks to supply labour for producti on and therefore, includes both employed
and unemployed. Work Parti cipati on rate refers to the number of persons usually employed.
Unemployment rate on the other hand refers to the number of persons who are seeking or are
available for work out of the total labour force.
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Unemployment is defined as a situation where someone of working age is not able to get a job but would like to be in full-time employment.
Note: If a mother left work to bring up a child or if someone went into higher education, they are not working but would not be classed as unemployed as they are not actively seeking employment.
One grey area is voluntary unemployment. This occurs when the unemployed choose not to take a job a the going wage rate (e.g. wrong job, benefits too high e.t.c) They could be counted as unemployed because they are still seeking a job (they just don’t want to take one they are offered.)