definition over irrigation
Irrigation is the artificial process of applying controlled amounts of water to land to assist in production of crops. Irrigation helps to grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of less than average rainfall.
definition over irrigation?
Over irrigation is the term given to excessive use of water to irrigate plants than required which leads to water logging and is a cause of soil degradation.
Over-irrigation leads to water loss, increases energy use for pumping, causes leaching of nitrogen and other micro nutrients, and wastes time. Crop nitrogen needs, fertilizer costs, and nitrogen losses to groundwater also result from over-irrigation.
The four methods of irrigation are:
The four methods of irrigation are:Surface.
The four methods of irrigation are:Surface.Sprinkler.
The four methods of irrigation are:Surface.Sprinkler.Drip/trickle.
The four methods of irrigation are:Surface.Sprinkler.Drip/trickle.Subsurface