definition the following and give an example
Rectilinear Motion: When we require only one co-ordinate axis along with time to describe the motion of a particle it is said to be in linear motion or rectilinear motion.
Rotary Motion: The act of rotating as if on an axis.
Oscillatory motion: Oscillatory motion is defined as the to and fro motion of an object from its mean position.
Periodic Motion: We can classify the motion of various bodies on the basis of the way they move.
1. rectilinear motion: If the motion of a body is along a straight line, it is said to be the rectilinear or linear motion. Example: the motion of an arrow from a bow.
2Rotatory motion: if the body moves about a fixed axis without changing the radius of its motion, it is said to be rotatory motion. Examples: a spinning wheel. ... The radius is called 32 motion, for example, spinning with thank you for watching the video.
3.Oscillatory motion is defined as the to and fro motion of the body about its fixed position. Oscillatory motion is a type of periodic motion. Examples of oscillatory motion are vibrating strings, swinging of the swing etc.
4.periodic motion, in physics, motion repeated in equal intervals of time. Periodic motion is performed, for example, by a rocking chair, a bouncing ball, a vibrating tuning fork, a swing in motion, the Earth in its orbit around the Sun, and a water wave.