deforestation is going on non-stop it has created severe ecological imbalance hence, it is essential to stop it by all means. you are very conscious of environmental issues. you want to spread awareness among people by writing a letter to the editor of a leading daily on ' how deforestation is imbalancing the ecosystem'
write the same in about 100-120 words, you are smitha of C-25, subhash nagar, new Delhi.
Deforestation is im-balancing the ecosystem
The destruction of natural forests because of cutting trees, logging, making space for cattle grazing, mining, extraction of oil, building dams and population expansion is known as deforestation.
It is well known to all that forests are extremely significant for variety of causes. In the first place forests should be conserved for upcoming generations to benefit from. Second and the most important motivation comes from the need for providing territory for large number of animals, birds and other species which are vital part of now well recognized earth's ecological system, to make their habitation. Also forests perform a very fundamental task of natural oxygen generation. Even though all know about the importance of forests yet deforestation today is the biggest environment issue which has continued to draw attention of the world.
Many animals need forests to live and survive. Forests are an ecosystem which includes many plants and animals. Deforestation results in the decline in biodiversity and many species of living organisms are becoming extinct. Forests support wildlife habitat and biodiversity.
Deforestation essentially leads to extinction of vital things and destroys the ecological balance of nature thus causing heavy soil erosion, extinction of fauna and flora, destruction and relocation of wild life, global warming, flooding and the danger of submersion of coastal areas and increase in desert, barren and infertile areas.
Thus forests come with an unlimited number of benefits and we must save them and care for them as much as possible. Forests give us the 5' f 's, in the form of food, furniture, fiber, fertilizer, and fuel. It is essential to preserve forests by reducing cutting of trees, helping in afforestation programs, finding alternative sources for forest products, reducing wastage, recycling and reusing processes for the survival of animal species, mankind and our planet earth.
Hope it is helpful to you.
Please support me.
I am a very young woman and I will be able for you and
I don't want the sheep and I don't have the time for the rest but I'm still a good one or two