deforestation will lead to progress or regress of mankind? few points on above topic.
Forests are indeed one important part of our planet. They not only keep the environment clean, keep air pollution to lower levels and also prevent lands from the damages of floods. So it is important to keep our earth green. Deforestation will lead to regress of mankind as it will then need others means of its survival and same goes for wild animals
Deforestation will undoubtedly lead to the regression of mankind.
(Regress is the opposite of progress. Here 'regress' means destruction. So, deforestation will undo all the progress that mankind has made so far.)
Points that you can use:
1. Less availability of oxygen- It is a commonly known fact that trees give out oxygen. If trees are cut down, it will lead to lesser carbon dioxide absorption and also lesser oxygen generation. Air pollution levels will increase, causing serious health issues, particularly respiratory problems. What is the use of so much progress if humans cannot get clean air to breathe? The progress will change into regression.
2. Greater frequency of natural disasters- Deforestation leads to global warming. As the temperature of the world goes up, it causes climate change. This in turn triggers many unpredictable disasters, like cloud bursts, tsunamis, famine or floods. All these occurrences are life threatening and also threaten to undo the progress that man has made. Buildings, property and life are all damaged during these calamities, and there is no sure shot way of predicting when the disasters will happen, and so there is no way of saving everything and everyone.
3. Exhausting natural resources- Deforestation leads to cutting down of trees to create space for urban development, or to manufacture products made from wood. When there are no trees and wood available for cutting, humans will have to shift to other resources. They will then have to find substitute materials. All the progress humans have made so far will amount to nothing, because they will have to restart their search for suitable materials.
4. Disrupted ecosystems- With deforestation, there will be no forests left. The habitat of animals that live in the forest will be destroyed. As a result, they will move towards the cities. There will be greater conflict between animals and humans. All the knowledge that we have gained about animals, their survival and behaviour will become useless, because the animals will be forced to live elsewhere and behave differently.
Deforestation will lead to the regression of mankind. It will only create more challenges and problems, with the biggest problem being the survival of humans in the absence of oxygen.
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