dekar Telugu meaning
Telugu meaning of dekar is ఇవ్వడం ద్వారా
I hope it will help u
D ' Kar is a village in Ghanzi
District of Botswana . It is
located 40 km to the east of
the district capital , Ghanzi .
The population was 943 in
2001 census. It was first a
farm of someone , but then
evolved into a rural village ,
most of the village is owned
by the church , but this
village also houses a shop
and a garage . A tar road runs
1 km from it , but
unfortunately there is no tar
road in the village itself , only
a gravel road. This small
village also houses Kuru , a
bushman iniative . It has a
shop were handcrafted
Bushman articles can be
bought. The money is then
used to help the little people
of the Kalahari . It also owns
a game farm which is about
15 to 20 km outside D ' Kar ,
on the road to Ghanzi . This
village consists mainly of
bushmen . It houses a school
and also a clinic.