Economy, asked by chaudharidimple71, 2 months ago

Demand for luxurious goods is elaltic true or false​


Answered by parikshitdund


  • The statement 'Luxury Goods often have a lower price elasticity of demand' is False.
Answered by presentmoment

Demand for luxurious goods is inelastic, so the given statement is false.


  • The given statement that demand for luxurious goods is elastic is false.
  • In fact, luxurious goods are goods that can be afforded only by the people belonging to the rich class. They already have a higher income and the price of luxurious goods are already very high.
  • Therefore, even a bit up and down in the price of these goods do not affect their demand by rich people.
  • A demand that is not affected is known as inelastic demand.
  • Therefore the demand for luxurious goods is inelastic and does not change easily.
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