demerits of democratic government
Demerits of Democracy
1. People should to be educated, of similar culture and value system, of one caste/category so that all people understand the democracy, its value and participate properly in the political processes.
2. The political parties may be spending a majority of time in fighting inside and among parties. So there is a lot of time and effort wasted. For example if the parliament proceedings are halted, a lot of money is lost every day.
3. During election process many people take money/gifts etc. to vote for candidates. So truly capable representative may not be elected.
4. Corruption and red tapism are more in democratic countries. In monarchy or military rule, corruption is less. Implementation of policies takes longer durations.
5. Opportunists, intermediary agents, careerists flourish.
6. The government machinery is expensive and consumes people’s money. It is massive as compared to other systems. Elections cost a lot. If a stable government is not formed, then that costs more as well as running the government is a problem.
7. Capitalists flourish. It is possible that rich, intelligent and/or charming political leaders can influence and exploit people in wrong way.
8. Justice and courts take a long time to resolve conflicts. Often many cases and conflicts do not get resolved. Like water sharing problems.
9. Government representatives may develop their own regions rather than focusing on the country. In India with different cultures, languages, castes, economic classes etc. there are favoritism and partiality.
10. Often though justified, minority voices are not heard, either inside or outside parliament houses.
11. Sometimes ruling parties work for perpetuating their rule again and again, rather than following a long term development plan for the country. Sometimes populous schemes costing a lot of exchequer are used.
Demerits of a non-democratic country:
- All other political parties are banned.
- Freedom of speech and expression is censored.
- People cannot involve in electing or removing their leaders. Harsh penalty given to anyone who speaks or acts against the government or leaders.
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