Sociology, asked by Changchuk, 1 year ago

demerits of joint family


Answered by tejalpatil

U have a lot of disturbance , no privacy , u have to share ur everything , no freedom , late night restrictions and much more
Answered by sidra8
1. Hindrance in the development of personality:

One of the ugliest features of the joint family system is that it stands in the way of the development of the personalities of its members. It so happens that the oldest member very often assumes rulership. He, in virtue of his age, tends to look upon all others as mere children. He behaves with them accordingly.

As a result, the other members, though they are full-blown individuals, fail to develop their personalities in a natural way. They get dwarfed emotionally and intellectually. Furthermore, the youngsters in the joint family do not get enough scope to develop qualities like adventure, initiative, self- determination, industriousness etc.

3. Source of litigation:

The joint family system encourages litigation. Normally disputes occur at the time of the partition of movable or immovable property. Often they assume serious proportions and ordinarily these are not settled without the intervention of the court of law. Moreover, the disputes involve colossal wastage of time, energy, money and more importantly loss of mental equilibrium.

4. Loss of privacy:

Privacy is practically absent in a joint family set-up. The newlywed couple hardly avail an opportunity to develop intimacy between them. This lack of privacy naturally leads to frustration and psychological disturbances. Again over crowdedness also has its baneful effects on the development of children.

5. The deplorable condition of women:

This is one of the major causes for the disintegration of joint family system. In the joint family, the daughters-in-law do not get any opportunity whatsoever to unfold their potentialities, talents etc.

6. Lethargy and Indolence:

Due to collective responsibility most members tend to be lethargic. The reason is simple. They get all the facilities, whether or not they work hard. The wives of the hard-working members instigate them not to exert themselves unnecessarily. The net result of all this is that while a few members do honest labour, the majority profit at their expense and do nothing but eat, sleep and bring forth offspring.

7. Uncontrolled procreation:

Since the responsibility of bringing up children is purely collective, individual parents do not feel the necessity of limiting the size of their families. Family planning does not confer any additional advantages on the practitioner in a joint set-up.

Nor does the member who earns more get any additional benefit there from. This has a highly depressing effect on such members and simultaneously, promotes irresponsibility among others. The upshot of it all is that they procreate children rather irresponsibly adding to the collective burden.

8. Child marriage:

Incidence of child marriage is quite high in case of the joint family. Factors like perception of marriage as a burden on the part of ‘Karta’ and the eagerness of the elderly people to see the marriage of their grandsons and granddaughters lead to child marriage. Child marriage not only affects the physical and mental health of the children but also contributes to the rapid growth of population.

9. Limits social mobility:

The joint family system hinders the process of social mobility. Factors like intimate familial ties and sentimental attachment of the members to the family limit social mobility.

10. Miserable economic condition:

Due to prevalence of many formidable factors such as the daily strife, the deplorable plight of women, absolute rule of elders, lack of responsibility on youngsters and blind procreation, the economic condition of the joint family becomes very dismal and miserable. Everyone in a joint family knows that whatsoever he spends will be managed by the family. He will, therefore, not try to save but will, on the other hand, spend to the maximum.

This is certainly an unhealthy practice pursued by some in a joint family set-up. Again, being joint responsibility common property is neglected and particularly nobody pays any care and attention to the landed property. Produce considerably comes down. There is no initiative and this result in lowering of standard.

11. Hinders social change:

The joint family system believes in conservative practices, status quo, customs and traditions. As such, the process of social change is arrested to a remarkable extent.

To sum up, the defects of the joint family far outweigh the advantages which accrue from it and have negative them. Consequently, the joint family is fast becoming disorganised. It is impossible to save the joint family system from disorganization, though its advantages can, with effort, be reinstituted in novel form in the nuclear families.

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