Demerits of oral communication
1. No record: In oral communication, messages are difficult to record.
2. Expensive: It is also expensive media of communication.
3. Distortion of the word: If distortion of the word occurs in oral communication, then main goals of the organization may be filed.
4. Inaccuracy: There is very possibility of inaccurate messages to reach the destination.
5. Limited use: The scope of usage of oral communication is limited. It is not suitable for lengthy messages. It should be sued for a short message.
Demerits of oral communication are :-
1.Physical Distance :-
When there is a long physical distance between sender and receiver ,oral communication may not be possible.
2.Lack of record :-
Oral communication does not provide a permanent record for future use uneless it is tapped and recorded.
3.Poor Retention :-
Human memory is limited and messeges cannot be retained for long time so it becomes necessery to give orders and instructions in writing.
4.Lengthy Messeges :-
Oral communication is not suitable for transmitting lengthy messeges because some parts of information are likely to be missed.
5.Time consuming :-
The persons are soo busy and cannot always afford time for face-to-face communication with subordinates.