"democracy is seen to be good principal but felt to be not good in practice." justify the statement.
This is because there are demerits to practicing democracy. These include,
1. Decision making takes a long time in a democracy
2.It is an unstable govt as parties keep shifting and they are only concentrated on winning and not welfare of the people
3.there are many practices like corruption practiced especially in democracies
4. Also govt sometimes fails to provide equal opportunity to everybody
This is my answer
Hope it helps
# Leaders keep changing in a Democracy. This leads to instability.
# Democracy is all about political competition and power play. There is no scope for morality.
# Delays are often made because many people are to be consulted in a Democracy.
# Elected Leaders do not know the best interests of the people. This leads to bad decisions.
# Democracy leads to corruption for it is based on electoral competition.
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