*features, importance
*constitutional aspects of
*criticism of democracy
*why democracy needed
*citizens rights
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noun: democracy
a system in which the government of a country is elected by the people.
एखाद्या देशाचे शासन हे लोकांनी निवडून दिलेले असते अशी व्यवस्था, लोकशाही शासन, लोकशाही यंत्रणा.
a country that has this system.
लोकशाही शासन असणारा देश, प्रजासत्ताक.
the right of everyone in an organization, etc. to be treated equally and to vote on matters that affect them.
एखादी संघटना, संस्था वगैरेतील समान वागणूक आणि मतदानाने निर्णय घेण्याचा सभासदांचा हक्क, लोकशाही रीत.
(i) In a democracy, elections are held at regular intervals and are fair and free.
(ii) A democracy has a multi-party system and elections are held on the basis of universal adult franchise.
(iii) Freedom of speech, expression and thought is another feature of democracy.
According to American political scientist Larry Diamond, democracy consists of four key elements: a political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections; the active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life; protection of the human rights of all citizens.
Constitutions provide the essential framework of a democratic state, determining the distribution of power, the role of democratic institutions and the inclusiveness of political systems.
Democracy Reporting International assesses constitutional arrangements and advocates for democratic standards and principles.
Criticism of democracy is grounded in democracy's purpose, process and outcomes.
In their work, they distinguish between democratic principles that are effectively implemented through undemocratic procedures; undemocratic principles that are implemented through democratic procedures; and variations of the same kind.
We need democracy becasue it ensures proper functioning of the government since it is the people who elect them and therefore this makes them more accountable.
In a democracy, the law protects the rights of the citizens.
The citizens are the ones who choose their leader in a democracy and the law protects their personal and social rights.
The law is even answerable to the citizens in case of any misuse of the law.
Freedom of speech, expression, and the press.
Freedom of religion.
Freedom of assembly and association.
Right to equal protection of the law.
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