Democracy started from the Greek and Roman civilization. What should we do to preserve democracy in our country.
“I do not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the last to defend your right to say it.”
This is what we should do. To defend democracy, not attack those who do not agree with us.
There is no part in democracy where you attack someone, no part where you vote against something. You only support something, you vote for something.
The greatest threat to democracy is that people do not understand what democracy is, and everybody demands undemocratic rights for themselves.
Democracy is not something you deserve, democracy is a process. Its when you sit down to talk, and attempt to agree on things, even, or especially when you cant get everything you want.
When two sides throw dirt on each other, and attack each others view of democracy, neither is defending democracy, but both are attempting to use tyranny to force the other side to accept their demands.
BOTH sides support tyranny, and neither supports democracy.
The origins of democratic politics or representational government do not matter for creating a democratic ethos in any country today.
The foundations on which democratic form of government rests include:
Priority to the rule of law; which among other features must define the manner in which people's representatives are chosen to carry out the job of governing the country/ the manner in which the executive branch is chosen from/ by the representatives/ the clear cut role of the judiciary in keeping Government's actions within the limits of the law / the time period for which the tenure of a representative body/ government lasts and under what conditions it can be prematurely terminated. All these are features of a country's Constitution.Peaceful transfer of power after every election makes known the citizens choice of representatives.
Equality before law of all citizens- with swift adjudication of charges , particularly against people in positions of power
An alert population helped by freedom of expression exercised by individuals and the media in subjecting the government to scrutiny over proposed or enacted policies. In particular the automatic association of opponents as traitors to the nation by the ruling party/ its supporters should be avoided.