Democracy Vs Non-Democracy • Compare India as a democratic country with any non-democratic country based on the following criteria: (a) Characteristics (b) Powers (c) Laws • Write the journey of a non-democratic country towards democracy. • Draw conclusion based on your findings/analysis: Which one, in your opinion is a better form of government?
Democratic Political system has roots in values of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity. Indian Democracy is one the best example of functional democracy, which has sustained the democratic structure and spirit of democracy, despite of having immense socio-cultural diversity, Economic disparities and vast spread of Poverty and under-development.
There are many differences between Indian democratic polity and Chinese Communist Polity based on many aspects :-
Indian democracy is based on parliamentary democratic system where people elect their representatives who in-turn make laws in Parliament and State Legislatures and also become part of executive and take critical decisions for the greater welfare of the people.
However the People's Republic of China is a communist regime and here the Communist party of China hold the greater power of taking the decisions of making laws and taking decisions for the country.
INDIAN political system don't have absolute powers, however the powers of the political system including executive, judiciary and legislature , are limited by the constitution. However check and balances also act as medium to restrain the powers of different organs of the govt. At the same time Indian constitution also guarantees various civil liberties like right to equality,freedom of expression and right to life to its citizens which become the very heart of Indian Democratic fabric.
China's Political system upholds greater absolute powers, especially in the hands of Communist Party of China, as it can take and bypass any decision in the country. Also Citizens in China could avail the larger civil liberties and make the Chinese Govt. highly authoritative and induce greater chances of state led violation of human rights.
Laws in India are made by Representatives of People while in China these laws are mere decisions of the Communist Party of China. The laws in India also limited by the Judicial Review by Higher Judiciary in the country, while in China laws are treated in absolute terms and citizens have lesser respite against them.
Nepal was an autocratic regime before 2006, as it was ruled by Royal king of Nepal. The Nation state transformed into a Democratic Polity after the People's Democratic movement started in 2006, where the whole country stood up to dismantle the autocratic regime, which was also supported by the Maoists of Nepal. Earlier the political authority was highly centralized in the hands of King and his close autocracy, and now in democratic set people's elected representatives take decisions based up larger interests of the people, within the constitutional framework.
While analyzing the above aspects, it could be well said that democratic system is best form of political system in the contemporary times, because it not only upholds rights and liberties of the citizens but also ensure greater accountability of the state towards its citizens.