English, asked by ednits0218gdgoenka, 6 months ago

dentify the subject in this sentence-'Have you done the work? * 1 point have you the work 8. In a sentence-'Complete the task at once!', identify the predicate. * 1 point You is the assumed predicate. Complete the task is the predicate. Complete the task at once! is the predicate Re-arrange the jumbled words to make a meaningful sentence. 9. attention is small too for his nothing * 1 point Nothing is small too for his attention. Small too is his attention for nothing. His attention is too small for nothing. Read the given sentences carefully and identify the kind of sentence it is along with choosing the most appropriate punctuation too. 10. Please help me to complete my work * 1 point Exclamation mark/ Exclamatory Sentence Full Stop/Imperative Sentence Full Stop/ Declarative Sentence 11. What a lovely dress it is * 1 point Exclamation mark/ Exclamatory Sentence Question Mark/ Interrogative Sentence Inverted Commas/ Direct Speech Literature Q.12- Q.15 are literature based 12. When Valerie woke up at her home one day, she found something beside the table.What was it? * 1 point An advertisement to teach in a play school. An advertisement to enroll herself in a reputed Music Academy. An advertisement to teach in Joe Spencer's Music School. 13. Who visited Valerie once a week when she used to train the children in a music school? * 1 point Valerie's dear friend- Jane Valerie's mother Valerie's father 14. After going through the challenging time, there was one place where Valerie enjoyed every bit of the time spent.Where exactly she enjoyed a lot? * 1 point at her home with her closest friend, Jane at Joe's Music School 15. At the end of the lesson, we find Valerie as * 1 point a weak and pessimistic girl. a stronger and more inspired learner. a carefree learner, who totally forgot about her dream after the challenge.


Answered by rbarman533

what is this a big answer

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