derivation of Bernoulli's theorem
I will you the simplest method to derive Bernoulli's theorem.
Consider the following types of energies available when a fluid is flowing through a pipe.
1. Kinetic energy per unit volume
= [(1/2)*m*v^2 ]/ Volume
= (1/2)*p*v^2,
where p = density of the fluid, m = mass,
v = velocity of fluid.
2. Potential energy per unit volume.
= (m*g*h)/volume
= p*g*h , where p= density, g = gravity and h = height from reference frame.
3. Thermodynamic work per unit volume
=( P* volume)/ volume
= P , where P is the pressure in the fluid column.
NOW, FOR ANY NON VISCOUS, NON COMPRESSIBLE FLUID (NEWTONIAN FLUID) , the sum of the above energies remain constant.
[ P + {(1/2) *p*v^2} + {p*g*h} = constant ]
This is the easiest proof of Bernoulli's theorem.