Math, asked by abhimanyu27674, 9 months ago

Derivative of x/y . Please tell with explanation. I will mark him as brainliest


Answered by SaiThanvi


The slope of a constant value (like 3) is always 0

The slope of a line like 2x is 2, or 3x is 3 etc

and so on.

Here are useful rules to help you work out the derivatives of many functions (with examples below). Note: the little mark ’ means "Derivative of", and f and g are functions.

Common Functions Function


Constant c 0

Line x 1

ax a

Square x2 2x

Square Root √x (½)x-½

Exponential ex ex

ax ln(a) ax

Logarithms ln(x) 1/x

loga(x) 1 / (x ln(a))

Trigonometry (x is in radians) sin(x) cos(x)

cos(x) −sin(x)

tan(x) sec2(x)

Inverse Trigonometry sin-1(x) 1/√(1−x2)

cos-1(x) −1/√(1−x2)

tan-1(x) 1/(1+x2)

Rules Function


Multiplication by constant cf cf’

Power Rule xn nxn−1

Sum Rule f + g f’ + g’

Difference Rule f - g f’ − g’

Product Rule fg f g’ + f’ g

Quotient Rule f/g (f’ g − g’ f )/g2

Reciprocal Rule 1/f −f’/f2

Chain Rule

(as "Composition of Functions") f º g (f’ º g) × g’

Chain Rule (using ’ ) f(g(x)) f’(g(x))g’(x)

Chain Rule (using ddx ) dydx = dydu dudx

"The derivative of" is also

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