Derive an Expression for displacement of progressive wave?
y(x, t) = a sin (kx + ωt + φ ), The above equation represents a transverse wave moving along the negative direction of the X-axis. ... Here, the plot shows a wave travelling in the positive X direction
Progressive wave: A wave in which the disturbance propagates continuously is called progressive wave.
- Consider a long string stretched in a horizontal direction along x -axis.
- if this string is given up and down,then the waves travel from the left end of the string to the right end with speed v.
- let at t=0, then wave on the string is represented by a sine curve as shown in figure.
[refer to attachment ]
The displacement 'y' of the element of the string at position x (at 't') is given by,
.... ( 1 )
The relation between path difference and phase difference is given by,
now, substitute equation ( 2 ) in ( 1 )
the equation becomes,
where, a is the maximum displacement (or amplitude) of the oscillation and lamda is the wavelength of the wave.
The disturbance or the wave travels a distance 'vt' will oscillate and the displacement of this element at time 't' is given by,
This equation represents a travelling wave or a progressive wave propagating along positive X- Axis.
If the progressive wave travels along negative x- axis, then this equation is represented by