Physics, asked by prachijanmeda9675, 2 months ago

Derive Newton's law of gravitational force​


Answered by atharvkulkarni04


The derivation of Newton’s law of gravitation is based on the concept that the universe is a pure wave system. Then, the elementary particles are shown to be the constructive interference peaks of the normal modes. For a normal mode originating at a mass particle, the force at another particle, r distant, is given by F = dE/dr = −sdI/dr where I is the intensity of a normal mode and s is the particle size. It was discovered that this force law leads to Newton’s law of gravitation only if the normal modes propagate circularly in a plane and are uniquely determined by the Bessel equation of half-order with l = 0. New results are: 1) Mass energy of particles due to gravitational intensity 2) Possible explanation of the spin 1/2 of elementary particles.

Answered by mahapatradipesh870


The force is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. In equation form, this is F=GmMr2 F = G mM r 2 , where F is the magnitude of the gravitational force. G is the gravitational constant, given by G = 6.673 × 10−11 N·m2/kg2

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