Physics, asked by morthriyasr7357, 10 months ago

Derive relationship between si unit and cgs unit of force


Answered by Abhijeetroy


We have

Force = Mass x Acceleration

∴ S.I unit of force/C.G.S unit of force = kg x ms-2/g x cm s-2 = (kg/g) = (m/cm) = 103 x 102 = 105

∴ S.I unit of force (Newton) = 105 C.G.S unit of force (dyne)

Or 1 Newton = 105 dyne.

hope it's helpful

Answered by rawatneelam665


the force is the product of mass and acceleration it's SI unit is Newton and CGS unit is dyne . the CGS unit of force hence the relationship between SI and CGS unit of force is the CGS unit of force equal to SI unit

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