Derive the phenotypic ratio of mendals monohybrid cross
First cross
All the zygotes received one R allele (from the round seed parent) and one r allele (from the wrinkled seed parent). Because the R allele is dominant to the r allele, the phenotype of all the seeds was round. The phenotypic ratio in this case of Monohybrid cross is 1:1:1:1.
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First cross
All the zygotes received one R allele (from the round seed parent) and one r allele (from the wrinkled seed parent). Because the R allele is dominant to the r allele, the phenotype of all the seeds was round. The phenotypic ratio in this case of Monohybrid cross is 1:1:1:1.
The expected genotype ratio when two heterozygotes are crossed is 1 (homozygous dominant) : 2 (heterozygous) : 1 (homozygous recessive). When a phenotypic ratio of 2 : 1 is observed, there is probably a lethal allele.