English, asked by ss8200263, 5 hours ago

derstanding the Text
Answer these questions.
1. "What are you, anyway?" (para 46)
a. What did the Nortons want to know about Carole? Carole is
b. What do you think is problematic with the question? Does the word 'what
make a person seem less than human? How?
C. Is there any word or phrase in para 32 that does the same thing?
2. Answer these questions about Carole and her understanding of race.
a. Does Carole understand the terms 'race' and 'mulatto'? yes
b. When Carole first sees the Nortons, does she identify them as white-sk
What is the word she uses to describe Mr Norton? (para 2)
c. Do you think Carole understands colour of skin or race as a major diffe
between people?​


Answered by sarthakgamer651

which these questions are from?


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