Environmental Sciences, asked by tejasveenkour, 9 months ago

Describe 2 pictures showing emotions of peace and harmony


Answered by dk6060805

Stability and Order in Society By PEACE AND HARMONY


Harmony and amicability is a fundamental condition. Harmony and amicability can carry a serene and stable request to society, and they are a fundamental condition for the endurance and advancement of humanity. A world denied of harmony and concordance will absolutely self-destruct and come back to the wilderness period where the feeble will win.  

Harmony and concordance is a fundamental advantage. Harmony and amicability are together delighted in by humankind, one for the genuine potential for the imagination capability of people, the practical improvement of the economy and culture of countries, and the long-standing thriving of humankind society. Is the premise.  

Harmony and concordance is a perfect way. Harmony and concordance implies managing questions and settling clashes in a reasonable and only way with decency and Middle Way standards and for the welfare of every individual just as the welfare of humankind overall.  

Harmony and concordance are dependable qualities. Since the development of humanity, numerous societies have been delivered, the majority of which before long vanished and in history they were overlooked for specific perspectives or to be constrained to a specific period. Between thoughts that have been given over to the present and keep on having critical impact, harmony and congruity involve the most commanding position.  

Harmony and concordance are high astuteness. It is the stature of information that decides the broadness of vision, profundity of investigation, the degree of progress and degree of travel. None of the world's current significant religions and major social conventions like harmony or the quest for congruity. History shows that all musings against harmony and amicability are against the desire of the individuals and will be devastated independent from anyone else.  

Harmony and concordance  

The harmony and concordance of humankind's general public ought to be essential and restricted. These incorporate the accompanying six territories:  

First. A universal political request that symbolizes correspondence and shared trust together keeps up security and equity by political collaboration;  

Second. A world monetary framework that symbolizes harmony and common benefits all in all dispenses with the error among rich and poor and local lopsided characteristics;  

Third. A worldwide social condition that symbolizes decent variety and coordination all in all composes discourse and trades to reinforce and upgrade fellowship and decimate verifiable preference.

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