English, asked by amarthalajoshna1435, 13 hours ago

Describe a birthday and say your Esperance


Answered by khansakhan901


Thank you for this great cue card topic, and today I would like to go ahead and describe a birthday which I celebrated as a young boy about 12 years ago.

I am talking about my 14th birthday here. Prior to celebrating this birthday, I had been ill with fever for almost 3 weeks. So, my family was a bit worried about me and was not too much interested in celebrating a birthday. But, on the other hand, my second aunt (from my father’s side) was very optimistic about celebrating my birthday and a speedy recovery.


By the way, my second aunt, who used to live in a very beautiful tourist town, nearby an ocean, of my country back then, loved me with her life, and she wanted my parents to fly me to her place with a hope that I would recover there at her place quickly. My family agreed and eventually I was flown to my aunt’s town. After spending there for a few days, I noticed to my pleasant surprise that I indeed started to feel better, and so, it was time to arrange for my 14th birthday celebration....Please came in my bhirthday I will be soo happy

Your Friend


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