describe a horrible nightmare...
i donno ans but i will try..............
it was night 12 o clock and the bell rang , but i was lazy so i ignored, the bell rang again, i was afraid, coz it was full moon night and then suddenly there was a powercut, i lost my phone, then i heard the meeeoowww sound of cat , and cry of dogs out side, i went to open the door , and met a ghost on the door he wanted one night stay in the house, his name was michel ghost, and i kindly welcomed him , but then he vanished and irritated me entire night then my eyes opened and it was a night mare..
okk so once upon a time i had time machine and i went to era where no fire was discoverd it was forest and trees all around nothing else,i was wearing leaves hahahaa, thn suddenly i felt hungry but there was no fire to cook , so i tried to discover fire for tht i kept rubbing 2 stones together but could not generate fire,i kept rubbing nonstop for 2 days and finally i was successful in generating fire and started jumping coz i was the first person to discover fire, then i realised i was hungry, so thought of cooking, but suddenly i realised that i donno cooking ,ohhh heaven just like a tired dog, i felt asleep, then i started feeling hot and warm , i woke up and saw it was a great forest fire and i stood all alone in fire, and this was coz i had left the fire ,and that got spread, now finally a big burning branch of tree fell upon me and i fell from my bed it was a dream, thank god i am safe hahahaha
It came in two quick segments, each lasting about fifteen seconds. In the first, my sister and I were crossing a Vermont wheat field on our way to a little red schoolhouse when we were stopped by a life-sized cartoon-character wolf. Grinning, the wolf applied a sheet of sticky flypaper to my face and peeled it away. My face was now smooth and featureless, like a fencer’s mask. When I looked down at the flypaper in the wolf’s hand, it contained my face’s image. The wolf had stolen my face.
As the dream resumed, I saw myself sleep- ing in the living room of my grandmother’s Pappy Yokum-style Vermont shack. It was very dark. The sparse moonlight which filtered in through the unlocked screen door cast some milky rays on other relatives in the room, all of them wearing earplugs and snoring loudly. Suddenly, the cartoon wolf, his eyes big and white, appeared at the door. I screamed at the top of my kindergartener’s lungs. But since all my relatives had chosen to wear earplugs, they couldn’t hear me.”